Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jimma Town

Jimma town has river gardens with a muddy red river running through it as well as a bustling market area and palace. It also has a stadium which is used for big church services and concerts.

Jimma has two universities, one with a medical faculty and teaching hospital and a large agricultural college. The Agriculture college has a partnership with Truro College in Nova Scotia. I met two Canadian students from Nova Scotia who were working in the animal clinic and doing some associated research. They were having a great time and didn't want to leave.

This little girl just wanted her picture taken by the farengi which made a nice change from the more usual "you you you"!

Jimma is full of ambitious young people, several of whom were interested in speaking to me to practice their English and also to ask for my perspectives on career and other opportunities. I spent a few hours with two bright young natural resources students discussing agricultural practice, land issues and the potential for ecotourism in Ethiopia. I found one of their comments quite interesting; because the country is not industrialized, their aquifers have been protected from pollutants. If these two students are given opportunities to contribute, Ethiopia will benefit immensely.

And of course, I also had another not-so-good Jimma moment when two young men stole my locket off my neck. I was walking just on the outskirts of town on a Sunday afternoon and these two young men began to talk to me. I dropped my guard for a few minutes and after dropping behind me, one ran up and snatched my necklace off my neck. The police did a great job of investigating and brought two suspects into the station for me to identify but in both cases, I wasn't 100% positive and didn't want to send the wrong people to jail. Anyway, I am unharmed and will be much more cautious about walking on my own in the future.

1 comment:

john gibb said...

Hi Susan
It has been awhile since I looked at your blog site. We were glad to hear that you suffered no physical injury from the necklace theft. Betty and I always had eyes in the backs of our heads when we lived in the Caribbean as all sorts of things happened to the unwarry there.
I have been off for three weeks from FNIHB and Peter is bringing me back on July 28 and for August to do "project work" I will be based up in Duncan for the North America Aboriginal Games doing food safety for a couple of weeks and some other stuff - sewage surveys in trailer parks?
All this will help fund our trip to the Grand Canyon on September 4th through to mid October in the Silver Bullet.

John and Betty